Our Pastor

Reverend Dr. Dayhige M. Wright
Reverend Dayhige M. Wright is a native of Rocky Mount, NC. Called and commissioned from his mother’s womb, it is evident through his ability to deliver God’s word, that the hand of the Lord is upon his life. At the age of four, he accepted the call to proclamation ministry. With much training and preparation, God allowed him, at the age of eight, to be officially licensed to preach the gospel at the Light of Peace Missionary Baptist Church of Rocky Mount, NC, under the leadership of the Reverend Dr. Lonnie M. Braswell. At the Light of Peace Missionary Baptist Church, Reverend Wright served as the Youth and Young Adult Pastor from his sophomore year of High School until graduation in 2013.
After graduating high school, he entered the halls of academia at the illustrious Winston-Salem State University (WSSU) to further his education. During his undergraduate years at WSSU, due to his unwavering commitment to ministry, he began serving as the Associate Pastor and Director of Media at the New Light Missionary Baptist Church of Greensboro, NC, under the leadership of the Reverend Dr. Cardes H. Brown, Jr. As a result of his gifts and callings, he has been favored in many avenues of ministry. He exemplifies the true meaning of God’s servant. Upon beginning his sophomore year at Winston-Salem State, the Living Water Baptist Church of High Point, NC, extended the call to preach. In September of 2015, he began serving as the Interim Pastor. With much prayer, in December of 2015, Reverend Wright yielded to the voice of God to start serving as the Senior Pastor.
From 2015 to October 2022, Pastor Wright served the Living Water Church, until being called to pastor the St. John’s Congregational Church of Springfield, Massachusetts.
Reverend Wright is a Magna Cum Laude graduate of Winston- Salem State University, from which he holds a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communications. In 2020, he received a Master of Divinity degree from the Wake Forest University School of Divinity. During his final semester, he was afforded the opportunity to co-teach Homiletics. Pastor Wright has an earned Doctor of Ministry degree in the Courageous Leadership in a Changing Culture cohort from Drew University. This specific cohort is a radically different degree designed for the engaged and curious leader committed to speaking and leading in congregations and in the public square in relevant and courageous ways.
Being raised by his maternal grandparents, he is often found speaking of his grandmother, the late Mrs. Dorothy Battle, who played a vital and dynamic role in his spiritual foundation, that has promoted his deep-rooted love for Jesus Christ. Along with other family members, Reverend Wright credits the nurturing, prayers, and advice of his adopted parents, the Reverend Dr. & Mrs. Cardes H. Brown, Jr., and so many others, who are responsible for shaping him into being the man, pastor, and leader he is today. He is also a proud member of the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc, and serves in various capacities throughout the community. He holds fast to his favorite scripture found in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ, which strengthens me.”